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Building engagement and loyalty with a meticulously crafted multi-stage insight program

Disciplines covered

Customer Insight • Market Research

Industry sector

Leisure • Retail

Pimento Member Agency, Savanta, was selected to partner with Gousto to build engagement and loyalty by understanding what is most valuable and motivating for customers.

The Challenge

Gousto experienced remarkable expansion very rapidly. Key to this success has been the strategic use of vouchers and discounts, which play a crucial role in motivating first-time trials.

The primary goal now shifted towards enhancing customer retention, particularly among those who are relatively new. This involved going beyond the initial discounted trial period. The aim was to forge lasting relationships and ensure customers feel valued and rewarded when they choose Gousto, even at a higher price point.

Our approach

Pimento Member Agency, Savanta, meticulously crafted a multi-stage insight program spanning three distinct phases.

The first phase involved a qualitative ‘exploration’ focusing on understanding customer attitudes and their usage patterns.

This was followed by the second phase, a qualitative ‘refinement’ stage, where new strategies and ideas were honed to bolster customer loyalty.

The final phase was a quantitative ‘test and validate’ stage, designed to gather and quantify feedback on the refined concepts, ensuring their effectiveness and readiness for implementation.


  • Data Analytics
  • Data Planning
  • Research
  • Strategic Insight

The insights garnered from this programme are being strategically applied to progressively develop new customer-oriented concepts. These initiatives are aimed at motivating customers and fostering enduring connections.

By aligning these efforts with the overarching goals of enhancing business outcomes and deepening long-term engagement, stakeholders have been actively involved, leading to inspired decision-making and proactive actions.