5 Tips to Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile

Lead generation experts and Pimento member agency, Twenty One Twelve, use organic and paid strategies to help generate new business enquiries. Last year the agency created over half a million in new business using organic LinkedIn alone. Discover their 5 optimisation tips for your LinkedIn profile and begin building your personal brand.

LinkedIn is the hottest social media platform in the B2B space right now.

It’s easy to see why when you realise 80% Of B2B leads originating from social media come from LinkedIn. (HubSpot via LinkedIn, 2019)

The platform is a superb way to increase your business’ visibility, authority and sales.

Thing is, while it’s a business network the most powerful way to use LinkedIn is to focus on your personal profile and personal brand.

At Twenty One Twelve, they always start by optimising a clients personal profile. So here are five tips to help you take yours to the next level:

1. Professional headshot / banner

Make sure you optimise the real estate at the top of your page. A professional headshot and a quality banner image will be the first two things a prospect sees.

2. Recommendations

At the bottom of your profile you have the recommendations section. In the top right corner there is an ‘Ask for recommendation’ button. Click it and you can message your clients/peers to ask them to recommend you. This is superb for social proof and you can use the testimonial on your newsletter/website too.

3. Your summary

You have 2,000 characters here, use it to sell your business. The worst sales copy tells people about your business, the best copy is all about your desired customer, their pain points and how you solve them.

4. Featured

This is a great place to showcase video testimonials or links which showcase your work and establish your credibility.

5. LinkedIn URL

Click the ‘edit public profile and URL’ on your profile page – from here you can edit your profile URL to your name, which looks far more professional.

By adapting your profile with these recommendations, you’re on your way to creating a lead generating LinkedIn profile.  

If you feel the need for more help, here are some handy services Twenty One Twelve offer:

  • Banner creation – a professionally designed banner to complete your profile.
  • Profile optimisation – they do everything for you, including writing that pesky summary.
  • LinkedIn power training – expert training in which you will learn the exact techniques they used to drive over half a million in sales for their clients using LinkedIn alone last year (with no advertising budget).
  • Content Creation & profile management – Too busy? They do all of the leg work to build you a relevant audience to increase your own and your agency’s profile.

Feel free to get in touch for more information or sign up here for more tips straight to your inbox.

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