Shaping Your Digital Transformation

Digital transformation however large or small is on every business’s agenda. Covid-19 has certainly accelerated the demand as companies speed up their adoption of digital technologies into all areas of their business. Companies are looking to change how they operate and deliver more value to their customers.

Yet, in a recent survey by Gartner (IT roadmap for digital business transformation), 53% of businesses surveyed said their digital transformation readiness was uncertain. From a marketing perspective, it has meant that companies have had to shift from digital complacency to digital excellence through the proper use of owned digital channels. As a result, this breaks down silos and optimises customer journeys. The impact covers areas like products and services, pricing, distribution, resourcing, people and promotional activities. These are all key to delivering the value customers are looking for.

To help marketers navigate this shift to digital excellence, we have developed a free thought paper covering a broad range of topics from strategic direction to tactical execution.

If you’d like to find out more about Pimento and this topic, please this get in touch or email

Thank you to the Pimento Members who contributed:

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