Why the Modern Marketing Solution Is Like a Fantasy Football Team
Whether you’re a fan or not, football is back on our screens and for many, this a welcomed sign that things are very slowly returning to some kind of normal. For avid fans, it also means they’re kickstarting their Fantasy Football teams. But what if there’s more to the virtual, drag-and-drop nature of this recreational game, and it actually represents the future of the modern marketing solution?
In a time where all companies need to continue communicating clearly and effectively, many brands have had to reduce their marketing budgets by up to 70%.
How could an approach similar to the iconic football loan scheme help agencies create a more responsive way of working and strengthen their proposition? Pimento’s CEO and Founder Stephen Knight speaks to the CIPR – Chartered Institute of Public Relations to explain why.
Want to find out more about modern marketing solutions? Get in touch here.

Pimento Members Celebrate “Campaign Best Places to Work 2023” Awards
We are delighted to announce two Pimento agency members that have been honoured in the “Campaign Best Places to Work […]
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“How do you write a brief?” – A well written brief in 2022
Whether it’s a marketing, integrated-client, media or creative brief, professionals from every area of the marketing and communications industry are […]
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